Application for Pilgrim SoULL

Thanks for your interest in the program. We are glad you are here. There are a few steps to enrolling in the school for Year 1.

For Pilgrim SoULL - Full program:

Step 1: Fill out Application.

Step 2: Schedule an interview. The interview is simply to ensure this program is a good fit for you and to let us get to know you. Note: Interview is not needed for partial programs.

For Partial Programs (or after Interview):

Step 3: Kindly fill out application and send a non-refundable $500 check deposit to:

School of Unusual Life Learning 304 16th St. Racine, WI . 53403


You can pay directly through paypal using this link.

Step 4: Let us know if you need a payment plan. We will do our best to work with you.

Step 5: Make travel arrangements and contact us at if you need help with transportation to the DeKoven Center, or if you have any special needs. Airport shuttles and car services between Chicago O'Hare and Milwaukee Mitchell airports are available. We can help with that.

Step 6: Complete Payment two weeks before class begins, including Tuition, room and board either by check or using this paypal link. Contact us if there is any question about payment amounts.