Here is how you can Stay Involved and Support SoUll.

Join the Community membership

We offer community membership to anyone who has completed at least Unit 1 of Pilgrim SoULL (also known as “The Nature of Being Human”). Your annual member fee of 75$ supports special programs and the school generally (we thank you). Alternatively you can volunteer about 4 hours for membership. In return we offer you an opportunity to join special classes and groups. These programs also count toward Certification.

This year, 2023, offerings include :

  • A series of 6 “SoULL Life Integration Groups” led by Andrea Pollak - $300 or $50/group

  • A series of 6 monthly Supervision groups led by Jeanne Denney - $300 or $50/group

  • Short Workshops on Special Topics. See application or Events for Details 125$/workshop

If you aren’t a member, start by filling out the Membership form below.

Contact us at to see about space in classes and let us know you want to come.

Then pay. You can do that HERE.

Volunteer to help us (and you) grow

Let us heal from the illusion that we are not needed by others! SoULL is a community and it truly needs community effort to prosper. What are you called to offer to this community evolution? Everyone has skills and gifts. When we use them well to support community, you grow too. From telling frieinds about the work, offering skills, to helping us gain CEU’s and fundraising, SoULL needs YOU to continue. : -). Really.

Finally, of course you can make a DONATION

Dang. Schools cost a lot more to run than I (Jeanne) ever knew when we started. We work hard to keep costs down but still do not cover our operating costs with student tuition. Students also need scholarships, which we offer when we can. So if you can, we are incredibly grateful. And yes, we are a 501c3. So it is tax deductible. Click on the link above or HERE. And thank you.

Thank you for staying involved! It really matters.